Obtaining Russian citizenship -this is the most difficult stage in legalization of a foreign citizen. By the obtaining Russian Citizenship, a foreigner has all rights of a Russian citizen. Legislation provides two ways to get Russian Citizenship in 2025:
- Obtaining Russian citizenship in accordance with the general procedure
- Simplified procedure
Simplifying Russian citizenship becomes even easier. In March 2025, a law will come into force, giving the head of state the right to determine the categories of foreign citizens who have the right to obtain citizenship in a simplified procedure. The simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship of Russian Federation in 2025 also applies to foreign citizens who are participants in the resettlement program for compatriots living abroad. Now, to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation does not require continuous residence under the Temporary Residence Permit (RVP) for 3 years and under the Residence Permit (residence permit) for 5 years on the territory of the Russian Federation, passing the Russian language proficiency test, proof of financial support. Also from 2025 it is not necessary to renounce your citizenship and Russian citizenship can be obtained as a second. Nevertheless, registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation remains mandatory. This scheme provides for obtaining Russian citizenship within 4 to 6 months.
The President of the Russian Federation signed the Law on the Bearer of the Russian Language in 2014. Obtaining Russian citizenship under this scheme implies obtaining citizenship by native speakers of the Russian language within 4 months. The process of obtaining the status of Native Russian Speaker implies passing the test of whether the applicant is a Native Russian Speaker. In addition, the applicant must be a close relative of Russian citizens on the ascending line.
In practice, obtaining Russian citizenship on the basis of a Native Russian Speaker is stretched out for more than 4 months, due to the fact that the law requires to abandon the previous citizenship. And depending on the duration of this process, obtaining Russian citizenship may take much longer than planned.
In the process of registration and acquisition of Russian Citizenship there may be some exceptions for the category of "non-citizens" of Latvia and Estonia. Since these persons are not recognized as citizens in their home countries, there is no procedure for renouncing the status of "non-citizen" under the migration legislation of the Russian Federation. The same exception can be made for citizens of those countries, which Russia has a mutual legal status and the issue of dual citizenship is resolved at the legislative level.
Registration and Obtaining Russian Citizenship in the General Order.
Last third stage of legalization of a foreign citizen in Russia is obtaining Russian citizenship in accordance with the general procedure is the general procedure for obtaining Russian Citizenship may take more than 6 years. First stage is the receiving of quota for RVP and further obtaining RPV, which must be in use at least a 8 month, after which you can step on to the second stage - obtain a permanent residence permit. Those two processes are very similar to each other. The third and last stage is the acquisition of Russian citizenship, which provides knowledge of Russian language, evidence of financial support and other norms.
Consideration of documents for obtaining Russian citizenship in general order
After a submission of documents for obtaining Russian citizenship in the general order in the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the decision to issue Russian citizenship is made by the president of Russia. It takes one year from the date of submission of documents. In contrast to the simplified procedure, the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship is more exclusive than the procedure for granting Russian citizenship. It means that. not everyone foreign citizen who has submitted documents for Russian citizenship in the general order, even those who have all grounds to do so, will eventually get Russian citizenship.
Obtaining and receiving Russian Citizenship in simplified order.
Certain categories of foreign citizens have a right by the law to get citizenship in simplified order. The simplified order for allows foreign citizens to obtain Russian Citizenship in a faster, more urgent and more favorable way. The terms of obtaining Russian Citizenship under the simplified procedure are also different; for different categories of foreign citizens, Russian Citizenship is issued without such procedures as obtaining RVP or obtaining a Permanent residence permit in the Russian Federation. Below are the grounds for obtaining Russian Citizenship under the simplified procedure:
Obtaining Russian citizenship for Native Russian speakers
Obtaining Russian citizenship by parents
Obtaining Russian citizenship by child
Obtaining Russian citizenship by marriage
Obtaining Russian citizenship by birth
Obtaining Russian citizenship for stateless persons, aliens and non-citizens of Latvia and Estonia
Obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainian citizens in 2025
Russian citizenship application form
Russian citizenship for Turkmen citizens
A special bilateral agreement has been concluded with this country, which entitles nationals of both countries to dual citizenship. Until 2015, there were two options for Turkmen citizens to obtain Russian citizenship: to obtain Russian citizenship in a Russian consular office and in the territory of Turkmenistan, and to obtain Russian citizenship in the territorial office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia. Unfortunately, practice shows that the acquisition of dual Russian citizenship in Turkmenistan has been unilaterally canceled by the Turkmen side. More detailed information on the process of obtaining dual citizenship for Turkmen citizens can be obtained from our office.
Russian citizenship for Ukrainian citizens
Citizens of Ukraine is a special category for whom legislature provides special rules. Constant updating of migration legislation, puts the citizens of Ukraine in a separate column, giving more opportunities and grounds for obtaining Russian citizenship in a simplified order. Many concessions and reliefs for Ukrainian citizens can be found in such migration programs as the Native Russian Speaker and the State Program of Resettlement. Ukrainian citizens are exempt from many legal procedures, and the Native Russian Speaker program does not even require rejection of Ukrainian citizenship. Since 2025, citizens of Ukraine in Donetsk and Lugansk region have the right to apply for Russian citizenship, bypassing the procedures for obtaining a residence permit and RVP, while in case of being in Russia, they have the right to obtain RVP without a quota. The Russian Federation and Ukraine do not have an agreement on dual citizenship, and Ukraine deprives its citizens of their citizenship, provided that a Ukrainian citizen has another citizenship. In practice, all Crimeans have Russian and Ukrainian passports and there are no questions of stripping them of Ukrainian citizenship.
Since 2025 for foreign nationals who are in the process of obtaining Russian citizenship, there is no more procedure of rejecting from their citizenship. So, dual citizenship in Russia is officially permitted.
The process of "obtaining Russian Citizenship" is the most time-consuming, complex and longest migration process not only for applicants, but also for the authorities that participate in the procedure of acquiring a foreign citizen to become a Russian Citizen. This stage is the most thorough, in the process of examining the case and checking the foreigner. The previous applications submitted prior to that for RVP and residence permit are lifted, and all information provided is checked. Based on the results and final analysis, in the process of obtaining citizenship, the highest number of refusals is given. In the course of the checks, the previously specified false information such as kinship relationships, fake places of work, payment of taxes and even fake marriages. Recently, this item has been receiving more and more attention, and the inspectors of the migration service of Russia not seldom have questions about the difference in residence registration between husband and wife, questions about the difference in age and even about the social and material situation of the spouses.
Inconsistency of name spelling.
Applicants applying for citizenship of Russia should consider that the Law on Citizenship of Russian Federation requires clarity in all submitted documents. There are cases that the applicant in the course of registration, it is necessary to address in foreign archives and even in judicial instances. Citizenship receiving as though it did not seem at first sight, process difficult and long which can be delayed for some years. The big complexity and an obstacle in reception of Citizenship of the Russian Federation is not conformity of a writing in documents. Thus, in documents issued in the former Soviet Union republics there are not infrequent errors in the spelling of names and surnames. In our practice we have found documents where the patronymic was written in abbreviated form or the letters were changed to match them. There are also cases when it is impossible to confirm the change of name or surname. Thus, persons born in the USSR at the time of German occupation or during the Chernobyl disaster, have huge problems in the restoration of their documents when applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation. Removed and lost archives are sometimes unrecoverable, and in this case it is better to turn to professionals.
Applying to the lawyers of our company you can count on the following assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship:
The lawyers of Vorota Goroda are professionals in the field of migration services. One of the directions of our activity is assistance in obtaining Russian citizenship for foreign citizens who are moving to the final stage of legalization on the territory of Russian Federation.
We are ready to provide.
assistance in collecting documents to apply for Russian citizenship in Moscow, Moscow Region, Tver Region
assistance in accompanying the process of "RF citizenship acquisition" at each stage of registration
assist in completing the application for Russian citizenship, for adults and underage family members
assist in the submission of documents for the registration and acquisition of citizenship of the Russian Federation exactly in time
we guarantee you the registration and acquisition of Russian citizenship, in exactly the right time, from the moment of filing documents
By applying for Russian citizenship, using our services, you avoid queues and save valuable time. Our lawyers speak English and another European languages.
For all these and other questions related to obtaining citizenship of Russia, you can contact us by phone +7 495 9723011, e-mail