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An application form for Russian citizenship it's a main document, which submission to the relevant authorities expresses a person's wish to become a Russian citizen on his own initiative and without coercion or imposition by third parties. In accordance with the requirements and norms of international law, the issuance of a general civil passport of a State is subject to mandatory submission of an application for citizenship. And Russia is no exception.

Profile federal legislation and regulations determine the sequence of the procedure for obtaining a Russian passport. First, a temporary residence permit (RVP) is issued, followed by a permanent residence permit in the chosen region. The application form for Russian citizenship is the final stage in this case. In order to avoid making mistakes and disappointing refusals it is necessary to know in advance all the nuances, deadlines for submission of documents.
Every year some additions are made by law to citizenship application form, it is worth considering all the new rules of filling out the form.

Price of filling in the application form for citizenship of the Russia

A new presidential decree of 02.10.2018, which introduces some changes in the obtaining for citizenship for Russian language speakers and in the process of submission of citizenship documents, made some additions to the application form for citizenship of the Russian Federation in 2025. Special attention in this application is paid to means of income. Now it is necessary to state in detail the information about the company, indicate the types of economic activities it carries out. It is obligatory to specify the amount of interest received from the deposit in the bank. The application form for Russian citizenship required in 2025 has undergone significant changes, as well as in the filling out, many of the wording and familiar phrases developed over the years by the Migration Service in Moscow. Thanks to the simplification in obtaining Russian citizenship and the decree signed by the President, new items for filling in the application for Russian citizenship have appeared since October. Since time citizenship can be obtained by profession and work experience, in the application form points have appeared, where it is necessary to specify the type of activity on OKVED, the amount of taxes paid over the past 3 years.

If you have some difficulties to fill up a new citizenship application form valid for 2025, our staff will be happy to help you with this procedure.

You can also fill up the application form for Russian citizenship by your own. There are many examples in internet to fill up this application form and after you spend some time and learn how to do that, you can try to fill it up by yourself. But if you do not want to waste your time, it is better to have deal with professionals who will save your time and take all risks associated with filling out the application.

Download the application form for Russian Citizenship in 2025 for adults (download)

Download application form for Russian Citizenship in 2025 for children and incapacitated (download)

Download application for the citizenship of the Russian Federation in 2025 under the Article 14.2 62-FZ (download)



Main rules for filling application form for Russian citizenship

Filling up such of document is quite a responsible matter. Any failure to comply may result in a refusal to accept it. There is a special application form for aliens and foreign citizens who apply for citizenship. Let us consider the basic rules of its registration:
- It is allowed to fill in the citizenship application form by hand or using electronic devices. In the traditional manual version, it is important to pay attention to the manner of writing. There should not be non-traditional stylistic methods, all letters should be written accurately and extremely legible. Filling up this application form with a regular pen will be extremely difficult, as the application form consists of 10 sheets and no changes in the application are accepted.
- No careless corrections, grammar mistakes should be made in any of the fields of the application form. It is also not allowed to skip or leave empty blanks in any points. 
- Answers in each column should be extremely clear and complete, without hiding significant points and details.
- To filling the application form for Russian citizenship 2025 should be filled only in the Russian alphabet. Exception - Latin alphabet in certain points.
- It is recommended not to use abbreviations, acronyms.

Employees of state structures will accept the application in the event that the listed requirements are strictly observed. Besides the form it is required to give and other documents. If they are not in Russian, it is necessary to make their notarized translation. It is obligatory to check the validity period. If they are declared invalid, the Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will refuse to consider the application.
Unfortunately, there is no single sample application for Russian citizenship. Each regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department for Moscow and Moscow region has its own specific requirements for filling in the application. It is possible to get acquainted with such "correct" option only on the spot. You can find it at the appropriate booth.


The procedure and deadlines for applying for Russian citizenship in 2025.

This issue should be given the utmost attention. The entire set of documents should only be submitted in person, even if the person lives abroad. Sending by mail or with a trusted person is not provided. The Commission will not accept documents for consideration if they will not be submitted in a satisfactory form, without notary certification, in violation of regulated deadlines.

An application for Russian citizenship shall be accepted from legally capable natural persons of adult age. For people with limited legal capacity the applicant is a legal representative (parents, relatives, guardian). If foreigners and stateless applicants have an address for permanent residence in our country, they submit the documents to their regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In other situations, it is required to apply to a diplomatic mission or Russian consulate in their country.

An application form for citizenship Russian Federation receives the status of accepted for consideration after presentation and submission of the obligatory package of documents. The staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Department of Internal Affairs is required to comply with and observe all of the rules stated above. The slightest violation of these rules leads to a refusal. These words are also confirmed by the time frame for repeated application. Only in a year's time is it allowed to make a second attempt to submit a petition when receiving a negative verdict for the first time.
Good grounds for refusal to accept an application for Russian citizenship
- Even if the forms are processed correctly and after payment of the state duty, those who violate the norms of public conduct and order will be refused.
- The application will not be considered if the representative of the legally incompetent person is unable to confirm the legality of powers, his personality.
- Invalidity of the applicant's documents proving legal grounds for residence in Russia, his identity is another reason for the refusal. One of the options is banal expiration of their validity period.
Important! The Migration Service has the legal right to ask for additional documents in a certain number of copies. For example, a notice of residence of a foreign national according to a standard model. If necessary, its translation into Russian will be required, followed by notary certification.

If you have any questions or can not understand this procedure on your own, feel free to contact us +7 (495) 972-30-11. You can send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we wait you in our office.



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